Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday News Flash!

Our first full week that we have had in a while and I think the kids were feeling it this afternoon, but we also did some amazing work as a class this week! 

Kindness Project

This week we launched the kindness project where students look for other students being kind and then write that kindness down on a strip of paper. We then put all the strips of paper together to make a Kindness chain showing how much kindness we have seen as a class. Our class has been so enthusiastic about finding kindness, even using their special kindness goggles to notice the kind things people are doing. Our class made a goal that we could get to 100 kindness strips on our chain by our last day before break! We got up to 24 today!

Snowflakes Galore

During choice time this week I taught students how to make paper snowflakes. This was wonderful practice with their cutting skills and they really had to think about how to make a reflected shape, for example making a half heart into a full heart. The kids loved making snowflakes and "donating them" to our classroom to decorate our windows.

Math: One More and One Less

In Math this week we have been looking at patterns in finding one more than a number and one less than a number. Understanding the sequence of counting both orally and with objects is vastly important for their understanding of numbers. This week I pushed them to their limits as they worked with a partner to match a poster with a story that I told. They had to not only work with their partner but make sure they had the parts of the story represented as well. They were rock stars and stuck with it!

Showing math bracelets with 1-10 pieces.
What a fantastic week. I truly enjoyed myself and can't wait for what else is in store before Winter break!


Miss Adams