Sunday, June 4, 2017

Duck Writing Sharing, Fishing Field Trip and Zoo!

Well folks, here it is. Our last blog post of the year :( As sad as I am for this year to be over I am also so grateful that I was able to spend this year with your children. I grew as much as they did and I will never forget the wonderful memories we made together as a class!

Fishing Field Trip

We had an absolutely incredible time fishing at Timber Lake Job Corps this week. Students got to bounce in a bouncy house as well as go down a bouncy slide. Then we had a picnic barbeque lunch and finally got down to business... fishing! The students had so much fun catching and releasing fish! Here are a few photos of the many fun times we had throughout the day!

A few students and I jumping in the bounce house!

Students sitting and fishing.
I colored the students face to protect her identity, but I wanted to show you a huge trout that she caught!

Zoo Field Trip

As if our week wasn't exciting enough with the fishing field trip, we also got to go to the Zoo! The weather turned out perfect with a just a few glimpses of sunshine on a warm overcast day. Students had so much fun seeing all the animals and learning new facts about them! It was a wonderful celebration of all their hard work this year!

A student looks in on Nora the polar bear.

Duck Writing Sharing

As a culmination of all their hard work we ended our duck writing and publishing unit with a sharing. In the morning students practiced sharing their writing orally to a peer so they could practice before the parents came. It was so great to see students giving each other feedback and listening so intently. It really showed me how close this group has become this year :) Then students were thrilled to be able to share their writing with parents in the afternoon. If you weren't able to make it, I hope students came home and shared it with you! 

A student shares her writing with a peer.

Two students share their writing.
A student shares her writing with her father.

A students shares her writing with her mother.
Well it has come to that point where I sign off for the school year. I can't believe how fast it went by but you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun :) Thanks for joining us on our journey this year and enjoy your summer break!


Miss Adams