Monday, May 28, 2018

Boats and Measurement

This week we had so much fun diving into different forms of measurement, whether objects will sink or float and of course making boats. The students loved it and it made for great pictures :)


To start off our discussion about boats we discussed things that sink and float. We did a fun experiment to see which objects would sink or float and some students were surprised that heavy things could float and vice versa. From there we talked about the parts of a boat and how different types of boats move. After that I gave students materials to make their own boats. I had lots of students make very cool sails, some of which worked very well with the wind.

Then came the fun part. We went outside to test our boats. First we tested the boats in the water by themselves to see how we could get them to move. Then we did a penny measurement test to see how many pennies our boats could hold, and finally we tested them with plastic people for fun.


In Kindergarten students learn about weight, height and length and capacity. This week we focused on all 3, but had students measuring height and length. This weeks measurement challenge was to measure lines that I put on the ground and to measure each other. The students had so much fun figuring out who the tallest kid was in the class and who the shortest is. Kids got to use both inch cubes and larger wooden blocks and it was fun to hear squeals of "you 66 cubes, I'm 64 cubes!" The students really enjoyed it and I loved seeing them practice their counting and help each other figure out the lengths of the lines and each other.

This next week will be our last blog of the year with lots of photos from our fishing trip on Thursday! So stay tuned for that!


Miss Adams

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Duck Update and Recycled Puppet Making!

Hello Parents,

What a crazy few weeks we have had. Our ducks hatched and I don't think the kids could have loved them more. They became a special part of our classroom :) We also had the wonderful opportunity this week to make our recycled puppets with Artist in Residence Kelly. This was a super fun chance for kids to make a puppet based on one of Eric Carle's animals from his Brown Bear book. Check it out:


This week students were really able to see duck personalities come out. The kids wanted to watch them every moment of the day so they didn't miss them playing in their water, stretching their legs or wings, and of course running around our pen. On two different days this week the students got to watch the ducks swim. The first time was in a small pool on our carpet. I told them that we were watching them so we could draw a picture. When we were sitting around the pool I had a student ask if they could get their writing journal so they could start drawing while they watched the ducks. Before you knew if kids were writing 2 and 3 sentences about what the ducks were doing in the water! It was such a cool moment that really showed me how ready they are for first grade! 

Puppet Making

This week students got a glimpse into the world of puppetry. First we explained to students that we were going to make puppets based on Brown Bear Brown Bear by Eric Carle. Once they picked their animal they were able to go shopping for the pieces to resemble their animal. Kelly (the art teacher) was great in teaching them that they might have to use their imagination and that these puppets weren't going to look exactly like their animal and that was ok.

After students picked their parts, the next session students did a variation of paper mache with glue and torn paper to make their puppets the right color. The torn paper method is how Eric Carle actually illustrates his books which was a fun connection for the students.

After they had glued on their paper onto their bodies students were ready to assemble the parts. Kelly explained to students that if we glued all the parts together they wouldn't be puppets, they would be statues! She showed them that when the legs, arms and heads move them they become puppets who can talk and tell stories.

The students had so much fun making these puppets and they turned out so great!

Art Show at the High School

On Friday we were also able to walk over to the high school to see the art display high school students had put together. It was great because the kindergartners got to see the high schoolers doing their art live at the school and see various art forms as well. The kids were so excited to take art as a class when they get to high school!

The students see a High Schoolers clay animals that she made. She told students they took 4 hours each to make!

It is crazy to think that this week is one of our last full weeks of schools before we get ready for summer. 16 days left!


Miss Adams