Creating their projects
When we last left off on the blog, see last post if you haven't, students had finished up their research about their arctic animals and were ready to start their final projects about their animal. Some groups chose to make a poster, while some groups chose to make a book. Either way I drew out a rubric of all the pieces that their project had to include. I drew out the rubric on the board and also printed out a version for kids to use like a checklist! That is when students set off to work! Some kids drew pictures, some wrote, some labeled but everyone chipped in to help their groups. I was so blown away by the work they did.
The rubric that I drew on the board! |
The orca group working on their poster. |
The polar bear groups completed poster. |
The front covers of the books from 3 groups! |
Informative Writing
Once we finished their projects we were able to move on and have students write out their own informational writing page about their animal. I kid you not each student wrote anywhere from 3-5 sentences! It was amazing! They helped each other with sight words and I helped with the spelling. It was wonderful to see! Here is a students finished writing:
Arctic Animal Drawings
Finally to end our week of arctic animals we did a directed drawing of each of our animals. Then students colored them with colored pencils and water colored the background. They did such a great job!
A students drawing of a polar bear. |
This next week I will have more pictures of how their work is hanging up and I will also have pictures of them presenting their work to each other! It is going to be so much fun!
Miss Adams