Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday News Flash

18 days! 18 days! I can't believe it! That being said lets jump right in to the busy week we had!

Making our Mural with Larry Verdoorn

What an amazing art experience your children had this week. It all began last Friday when we did what is called a "Color Factory." This was where our class painted pieces of paper and mixed colors to create an array of colors to essentially make our own construction paper. Students absolutely loved getting to mix the paint and it really made our mural more meaningful when they saw that we made it out of the paper they made! Here are a few photos from our color factory:

One student painting his paper.

Our beautiful rainbow of papers!
Then on Tuesday Mr. Verdoorn came back to help us assemble our mural! We went with the theme of the life cycle of a butterfly so we had 4 panels. One for each stage: egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly. Students took turns helping assemble the mural and then they got to make their own personal butterfly to go around the edges of the mural. With the butterflies they made they were working on symmetry and keeping one side of their butterfly the same as the other. The mural turned out so gorgeous and I am hoping to have it up by graduation so you all can see it!

A student working on her butterfly.

Students working on cutting and gluing their butterflies.

Students working on their symmetry.

Finishing the cocoon and the caterpillar.

Putting strips of paper on the wings of the butterfly.


I'm sure by now you heard that Tuesday morning we lost another duck. The poor guy tried to squeeze behind the pool we put in the trough and squished himself. The students were sad but I also told them that it is part of life. We try things and sometimes get hurt but they seemed to take it much better when I told them that now all 3 ducks that died would be together to keep each other company. So to keep our last duck standing company Grandma Darla ran to Wilco and brought back our little Indian Runner and it was love at first sight. Our two ducks are bonded and doing great! They are also getting so big! We put in a ramp so they can get into the pool by themselves and they are in their own little oasis!

Here is a student reading to our 2 Pekin ducks, before we lost one...

Here are our two duckies using their ramp to go in the pool!

Story Writing

This week we started making our very own Personal Narratives in class. Students got their own book to write about something they have done in their life. In discussing our writing process we are using the starters first, next, then and last. This is a great way for students to tell a story but also to focus on the sequence that the events happened in. I was so amazed at the details students were using and their writing abilities.

While I don't have any photos at this time next week I will post some of the finished products and I think you will be blown away but the caliber of work your students are creating!

Stay tuned 'till next week to see what other adventures we have in our last days of the school year!


Miss Adams

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